Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting in shape fast

The first thing you need to realize is that
you only need to workout for 20-25 min.
tops to get the results you want.

If you are a beginner at lifting or anything
else, you should talk to a personal
trainer to get a workout put together.

You can get in contact with a personal
trainer at any local YMCA to talk to.

The first thing you should do before
you do anything is get stretched out
really good to get the blood flowing
in the muscles and get your muscles
warmed up.

If you do not warm-up properly
there is a good chance you will
tear a ligament or muscle, and that
freaking hurts like hell!!!

After you are stretched out and
warmed up a bit start jogging in
place for at least 30 seconds,
this is to get the muscles a little
more limber and get yourself
ready for your workout.

You are now ready to begin your
workout, keep your workout time
20-25 min., after that you can do
whatever else you want to do.

I will be giving out more information
in my next blog.

Please be safe while you are lifting
getting injured really sucks!!

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